Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Introduction To Special Needs Essay

According to Warnock’s report of 1978, the special educational needs can be fluctuating and can also be contextually defined. Before the evaluation of this statement, we have to look at the Warnock report (1978) and the Special Educational Needs Code (2001) and how it reflects its understanding of the special educational needs. The term special education needs (SEN) emerged from the 1978’s Warnock’s committee that had been set up to hold an inquiry into the education of the physically handicapped children and other young people who were interested in education. It was under the department of education and science in Britain. The Warnock’s committee   had been set up to look into a concern that was coming up concerning the system of education which was becoming segregated and was discriminating against children who were physically challenged and was not providing them with   positive, social and better educational opportunities like the other children who were physically fit. This report of 1978 advocated for three main reforms that were to be undertaken by the educational officials or all those who were responsible for the provision of educational services: A. Locational integration of all children whereby the provision of educational services for both the children with special needs and their counterparts who were not physically challenged were to be made from the same site(Great Britain parliament 2006) B. Social integration whereby all the children regardless of their physical state were to share the same social amenities that were provided by the educational centers for example playgrounds and other extra facilities for co-curricular activities. C. The Warnock report advocated for functional integration of the children with special needs and those who were not physically challenged were all to be educated together for example they were to share the same classes whereby they were all supposed to be given the same opportunity in pursuing the same goals that had been set in the curriculum and any other objectives that were set by the educational administrators (Great Britain Parliament 2006). Practices of SEN prior to Warnock. There were many practices that were in place before the Warnock report of 1978 which were mainly directed to children with special needs. Before the report was made the children with special needs for example those who were suffering from a disability of the mind were classified as uneducable and unfit for the education that was offered at school. These children who had some inabilities were simply locked out of the normal learning institutions where the other children who had all abilities in a normal state were being educated. Prior to the Warnock report of 1978, there were other practices that were directed toward the children who had some inabilities for example those who had a problem with their mind, those who were partially blind, those who could not speak properly or those who had language problem, those who were physically challenged and many other children who had some form of either physically challenge or internal challenges for example a mind problem. These children were classified as uneducable under the normal schools and were forced to be educated and trained in special care units that were spread across England and some other hospitals that had been given the mandate of educating these learners with some form of disability. The health officials in this hospitals and special care units had been given the powers to be in charge of these children and to give them the required form of education. It is pretty obvious that in these centers where these learners with special needs were segregated to offered low quality education to them as compared to their peers who were being educated in the normal schools that had highly or better qualified teachers ( Farrell 2001) Before the Warnock report of 1978, the parents of the children with special needs were not given an opportunity to air their views on the form of education that their children were being subjected to or to give any views regarding to the state of their children and what their children need. But after the report came into place in 1978, the parents of the disabled children were given an opportunity to give views and any information that was regarded professional concerning their disabled children as this was very important regarding to the provision of services that were necessary for them. The report agreed that the parents or guardians of these children had vital information regarding to the assessment, placement and educational processes of their children that were to be included or incorporated in the education al system in order to achieve all the goals and objectives of the educational curriculum.( Rogers 2007). Reasons why the Warnock report of 1978 was such a break through. The report made a breakthrough in the implementation of some educational issues that were affecting the children who had some form of deformities. There are many reasons why it is considered a success. First was the fact that it recognized children who had some inabilities as a deserving lot who also needed to be given equal opportunities to all educational opportunities just like the other normal children. This is the main reason why the report had to introduce the idea of special education needs (SEN) which was based on common educational goals for all the children of school going age regardless of their abilities i.e. whether physically challenged or not. The children under this category were also given the privileges that others who were not challenged in any way were being given for example independence, enjoyment and understanding. It has to be known that before the Warnock report, all the children who had any form of disability were classified and defined using medical terms for example maladjusted and educationally subnormal and they were all segregated and given separate special educational treatment in different centers that had been set up all over England. The Warnock report brought all this to an end when it brought into the attention of the people and those who were working in the ministry of education the importance of having unsegregated form of education where all children were treated equally regardless of their abilities or deformities (parliamentary copyright 2006). There are other reasons why Warnock report became such a breakthrough. Other than putting a stop on the segregation of children with special needs or those who are faced with some form of disabilities, the Warnock report led to the introduction of the policies whereby parents of the physically challenged children gave opinions or any other information regarding their children which was deemed as useful in the implementation of educational policies and in the provision of the necessary materials in order to achieve the highest learning goals for this learners. Prior to the report in 1978, parents of the children with special abilities could not give any information regarding to or concerning their children. The children were sent to centers that had been set up to give them some form of education and there wasn’t any form of participation from the parents. After the report was written parents became involved in the educational activities of their disabled children which in turn led to the improvement of facilities that the children could access and use since the parents gave useful information regarding the state of their children (Parliamentary copyright 2006). The report required that all teachers who had any form of responsibility for the children with special needs to be trained in one way or another in order for them to have some considerable expertise regarding special education. This was necessary since all the children were now required to attend the same ordinary schools and since the report stated that per every five children who were going to school there was one who needed special attention. And since this child who needed special attention could no longer be isolated from the rest of the class who had all the required abilities then it forced the teachers to undergo some form of training in order to be able to handle all the learners in a professional way. It is a breakthrough in the report since this idea cemented the earlier opinions of having all the children attending the same ordinary schools. The teachers were also made aware of the importance of working closely with the parents of the children with special needs, other pr ofessionals and non-professionals who were concerned in helping those children who had special needs (Warnock 1978, p226) Warnock report (1978) on special education needs (SEN) – what was new: The report spoke a lot that was new concerning special education needs. First, the idea of educating both the handicapped children and those who were not handicapped was itself a new idea. It is known that before the Warnock (1978) report, the disabled children were all educated separately. The ones had some bodily disability, some disability of the mind and those who had no form of disability were all kept separately when it came to matters of education. Therefore the recommendation that they all get to be educated together was in itself a new idea to the special education needs of the children with some form of disability. Training of teachers who were handling ordinary schools in order for them to be able to handle the learners who had a requirement for special education need was also a new thing that was being proposed by the Warnock report on special education needs. Before the report, teachers of the ordinary schools where only the learners who were considered normal went to, had no formal training on handling learning learners with special needs. The learners who had a need for special education were left to be trained in secluded learning centers that were specifically meant for them where they had some given professionals who took care of their educational needs. Therefore the introduction of the idea that all teachers be given some form of education in relation to the teaching of the leaners with special needs was in itself a new idea (Alur & Hegarty 2002). The idea of using the opinions of parents was not there before the Warnock report (1978). It was a new idea that was being introduced. The parents of the children with special education needs were in cooperated in the learning activities of their children and any opinion that they gave, was given consideration. Also other individuals who were either professionals or non-professionals but were interested in helping the needy children were also given a chance to participate in the education of the children. Special unit classes were to be set up in the ordinary schools to carter for the children who had extreme special needs. The location of both the special needs schools and the ordinary schools was to be in the same place i.e. same compound. The two schools were to share the same site. This form of integration was to bring worthwhile gains in terms of the children socializing together and growing up in an environment that will eventually dictate mutual understanding of each other. The parents too of these children will end feeling encouraged just from the mere fact that their children are also attending ordinary schools. On the side of the children who are disabled, they get to copy from their peers whom they are sharing the same amenities with for example playing fields (Warnock report 1978, p101). Social interchange is another new idea imposed by the Warnock report (1978). The children with special needs and others who attend the same school but are not challenged in any way are given an opportunity to eat, play and consort together. This kind of social interchange that was new to special needs, gives the learners some form of self-recognition and easy acceptance of their condition. Before the Warnock report, children were brought up separately in schools. Those who went through this form of segregation had difficulties in accepting themselves as they were shown from an early age that they were different from the other children. After the report was made, the learners were integrated and the young ones who begun off in this later system found it so easy to accept their present condition. Evaluation of Warnock’s original statement Warnock’s original statement on integration of the learning environment to include both the children with special needs and other young learners who were in nee d of education with those who were considered normal learners does have validity today. This idea has brought an end to the acts that were there before whereby disabled children could either be denied education or put into some centers where they received minimal education. Today, not only in England where this report was made but also in the entire world, all children are given education regardless of their state. They are not discriminated due to their physical outlook. They are admitted to ordinary schools just like there other counterparts who are considered to be normal. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has also adopted the policy of integration and is advocating for the education of all the children regardless of their disability in order to make the world a better plac e.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

English and International Integration Essay

International integration is a process by which countries remove barriers to trade freely and absorb new technology, new culture†¦ outside national borders. In the integration period, English is considered a bridge linking countries together. Nowadays, nearly 4 billion people all over the world use English as their first or second languages. Fluency in English has become an indispensable skill in the context of economic integration today. In my opinion, English not only helps you to extend the scope of communication but it also brings you many other benefits. Firstly, mastering English allows people to be kept informed of the latest news about fashion , sports, science or politics. For example; 80% of the Websites on the Internet in English and popular Newsletters on TV like BBC or CNN in English. You can update the newest fashion style of the week, the hottest news about a football match at the World Cup or the latest information of the upcoming Iphone. That’s why you easily become fashionable as long as you use English. Secondly, English offers you great chances for career promotion. Thanks to the International integration, many foreign companies have invested in our countries. They also join Vietnamese companies to do business. So English competence is the priority for big companies to hire staffs as well as considering employees for higher positions. Although there’s no official statistics on the correlation between English proficiency and wages, it’s pretty clear that the oppotunities always open wider for English candidates. Therefore, learning English is very important in the age of integration .And I don’t hesitate to share some tips on English learning with you . 1. Spend at least one hour everyday listening to news or discussion programs such as CNN news or BBC news. It’s hard to understand what they are saying when you first begin to listen to them, but gradually you’ll get used to the speed and tone. Then you can get a brief idea of what they are talking about, although you can’t get all the details. 2. Watch some English TV and listen to some English radio. TV and radio are the best and most inexpensive teachers to learn real English. Not only you can learn formal English from  news or debate TV programs, but you can also learn everyday English from soap operas, cartoons or comedies. 3. Spend more than two hours every day on reading English news or articles. Reading builds up your vocabulary, idioms, phrases, and the concepts of English structures. If you do enough reading, it will save you a lot of time since you won’t need to spend more time on building your vocabulary or grammar. Read out loud when you do your reading to improve your pronunciation at the same time. 4. Make some pen pals or native-English friends and write to them at least once everyday. The best way to improve your writing is to practice writing as much as you can. The more you write the more you know how to use what you’ve learned from reading and listening. 5. Make friends with speakers. This is the most difficult task because of the difference in culture, but you can’t really master English unless you can have good conversations with an American or Briton. Remember to ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation going. When someone asks you a question, give more than just basic information. For example, if someone asks you â€Å"Do you like living here?† don’t just answer â€Å"Yes† or â€Å"No,† but tell them why, too. 6. Think in English. Getting used to using English all the time will make it easier to listen and react with it. Follow these small tips can make it easier for you to learn English. In conclusion, eventhough English has already played an important role in our lives since Viet Nam was a full member of the WTO. This, may somehow, affect Vietnamese. But to catch up with the speed of the world’s development, we need to take the risk, learning English as much as we can, and not forgetting to keep the beauty of Vietnamese.

Business Envirmonet

It’s very common in large business to expand abroad; however there are a lot of factors that have to be considered before planning to start business in another country depending on which policies they have or what their background is as well as their stability or whether your product or business will sell over there. In this assignment I’m going to compare the challenges to business activities in two different environments, my two chosen environments are the UK and the Republic of China.I have chosen China and the UK as my two contrasting countries and my chosen business is KFC which is large global fast food chain, china is the most populated country in the world and is also has the largest economy. The Republic of China is an Asian country which is situated in east of Asia and it comes within the 3rd largest country in the world as well as the second largest economy in the works it also has a population of 1. 35 billion people.The capital city of China is Beijing howe ver the most populated city and a global financial center is Shanghai. My chosen business is KFC (Kentucky fried chicken it’s an American based business which is centered all over the world and it’s now moving to China, I will look into the problems they may face in China . The two economic environments that I am going to be describing are recession and growth on the business activities of KFC. Growth occurs when more goods are being produced and bought.During growth people tend spend more money on goods and services because they have more money to spend on products and services and also businesses will invest more and hire more staff as because there is an increase in demand for them. Recession however occurs when people running the business become more cautious with their spending so they cut their spending and orders as well laying of some of their more disposable employees thus making them redundant.It is said n the news that Chinas GDP growth rate has averaged out at 3. 1% In the most recent years, Chinese business has become more efficient and Chinas is now the 1st largest Asian economy, this means that if KFC wanted to expand in china they would al lot of competitions from other successful business who offer similar products. KFC is a one of the world’s leading fast food chain and their products are food and beverages where as Chinas is one of the world’s top producers of rice and wheat as well a livestock .This mean that if KFC wanted to expand into China and start operating there, it might face challenges where the retailers and costumers refuse to buy food from KFC because they’ve got other Chinese based fast food stores whom are just as good or they’d rather go to another major fast food chain e. g. McDonalds. However Chinas media industry is very big and there TV networks have more that billon subscribers or which is nearly triple the size of the UK, this gives KFC a huge advantage because they can advertis e their company through the media, this gives KFC a major opportunity to advertise as well as sell their beverages online.If KFC do decide to expand their business into operating in China, they will be provided with many opportunities , however there also some issues that their business be challenges with these issues are; Import taxes high import taxes are a barrier to many business, especially business like KFC because they have import some of their products, this cost them allot of money, this is one the reason why it’s not responsible for KFC to expand in China, however they could negotiate with China on exchanging goods for a lower import tax but that’s is a high risk to take.Lack of skills its much cheaper for KFC to hire and local labour, it might not be as effective because the workers may lack appropriate skills such as language skills or education. So KFC has to first consider this before they begin to operate in China, because lack of skills will and can aff ect KFC in a negative way e. g. their profits and sales will decrease or get affected because having good employees is essential for a business it creates less problems and make the business work more efficient .Growth affects the business activities for KFC because just as economy can change for a business so can the demand for products and both could be associated with each other. During growth you can expect to see a high demand for KFC’s good quality products so customers as well as potential customers would buy more during this time because customers are freer and relaxed over money spending compared to when it’s in a period of recession.Mostly you could see KFC looking into recruiting more workers as since product demand can increase a lot during the growth environment they’ll need more workers to spread out the job load for their employees because if they didn’t hire more staff To ease the job load and they just overloaded an employee with workload it could de-motivate them as well as make them fee undervalued. I will be looking into these factors which KFC may face when opening up a branch in China InflationRecession is when economy slows down, and the level of sales and production orders start to decline Inflation is the prices different of goods or service may vary they can either increase or decrease over time in the economy. Most businesses in the UK and China, by looking closely at the inflation rate as it could have a big effect on the business and because if the inflation rate increases there could be less sales as the prices of the goods will be high and the customers will spend less on goods and services as the prices will increase.Looking at the current inflation rate in China the rate has reached to 3. 1%. â€Å"Prices rose 3. 1% during the month, from a year earlier, up from 2. 6% in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said. The bureau said that food prices rose 6. 1% from a year ago due to the impact of n ational holidays, as well as droughts and floods in some regions.†Resulting in many Chinese banks such as â€Å"the bank of China† to raise their interest rates this will have an effect on as inflation rate goes high this will result on the customers spending less on fast food stores such as KFC and this would mean that the business will not be making enough money or breaking even on their monthly bases to afford many employees and also pay the bills and taxes so they need to lay down staff or close up their business and open up in either a different countries.In conclusion to this assignment I, in my point of few I don’t this its reasonable for KFC to expand I idea because there are al lot of challenges they may face and it’s not worth the risk.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Financial Markets & institutions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Markets & institutions - Assignment Example They have low interest rates in terms of a constant fixed rate or settled upon maturity and are short term. The Aljazira capital Document 2014 document covers issues that appertain to: calendar anomalies, the effect of valuation on the performance of a company in the market and technical pointers in a trending market among others. Some of the anomalies include the best performance of the index upon trading on the first day of the week with a strategy of selling the holdings on Sunday and avoiding to buy them on the same day. The other anomaly includes the monthly returns differentiated across that necessitates investing in a short-term gain before the Ramadhan period. Shadow banking is an interconnection of specific financial institutions that have no banking permits like Money markets and Special Purpose Entity Conduits (Brycce, 2000) meant to inspect and ensure secure funding from the savers to investors of finances. Shadow banks transform home mortgages into securities through mortgages being regarded as a pack of loans to back up a security sold by investors. On the other hand, Conventional banks raise funds through the depositors who have surplus and through lending to other individuals who have limited funds. Brycce, H. (2000). Financial and strategic management for non-profit organizations: a comprehensive reference to legal, financial, management, and operations rules and guidelines for non-profits. Jossey-Bass Publishers, 3rd Edition,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Participant Observation Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Participant Observation Assignment - Essay Example The research questions formulated in this paper are mainly based on empirical observation, that is, information gained by means of watching, experiments or by performing some research study. This field work has been conducted on August 6, 2009 during 10.30 AM and 12.35 PM. The journey for observation assignment started from Hudson, NY station and ended at NY-Penn Station. The train selected for this observation assignment is Empire Service-Eastbound train (which is running Mondays thru Saturdays) whose number is 280. The source station of this train is Niagara Falls, NY, the departure time from this station is 3.45 AM and its arrival time in the destination station New York, NY-Penn Station is12.35 PM. Subways in New York are the fastest way to travel around the New York City. It is very difficult for the fresher to travel through New York subways. If one is not careful, then one would find it very difficult to reach the destination. If one does not know about the rules and regulations that need to be followed in the subways, then one would find it hard to travel through the subways. Here, it can be observed that some people are asking others about the direction, or the route one needs to take for reaching specific destinations. People in New York help others to sort out their problems in very friendly manner. Another important thing about people in New York is most of them are confused as to which direction they need to go to reach their destination. In the platforms, it is observable that all sorts of people are present such as teens, middle aged people, old aged people, families etc. Some people are looking on the map which is placed near the entrances; they are sorting out the ir doubts themselves without asking to anybody. By observing their facial expressions, it may be concluded that they are not so clear about whether they have gleaned what they needed to know. Time is 10.15 AM. The train to New York, NY-Penn Station will reach

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Transformational corporate leaders are born not made Essay

Transformational corporate leaders are born not made - Essay Example or is of the view that transactional leadership is the most common form of leadership where the focus is on the exchange that occurs between leader and his sub-ordinates. Politicians who promise â€Å"more development,† managers that reward their employees with â€Å"promotions† and classroom teachers, which grade students on their completed work, engage in transactional leadership. According to the definition of transactional leadership, â€Å"it refers to the leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements† (Robbins, pp. 44-51, 2001). However, â€Å"transformational leader are those who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests and who are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their followers† (Robbins, pp. 25-31, 2001). As the definition implies, transformational leaders have a boarder vision and go one-step further than transactional leaders. These people actually make an effort to engage and develop and connection with their sub-ordinates or followers and then work towards increasing their motivation levels and making them realize their full potential. More importantly, during this process not only the leader transforms his followers but also finds a transformation in him as well. Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most cited examples of tr ansformational leadership. He influenced the Hindus of the South Asia, raised their hopes and demands, made them felt their needs and rights and during this process he ultimately found himself transforming from Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi to â€Å"Mahatma Gandhi† (Tichy & Devanna, pp. 85-97, 1990). Other examples include A. G. Lafley of Procter & Gamble, Andrea Jung at Avon, Jim McNerney of Boeing and Orin Smith at Starbucks, Steve Jobs founder of Apple Computer, Mary Kay Ash from Mary Kay Ash cosmetics and others (Daft, pp. 41-49, 2007). A study conducted with five corporate leaders, which have performed like transformational

Friday, July 26, 2019

HRD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

HRD - Essay Example Recruitment can be defined as the process of inviting people on a timely manner, in adequate numbers, with suitable qualifications, and then inspiring them to apply for positions with a company or firm. Thus, internet recruiting may be defined as the act of utilizing the internet to identify individuals who are actively searching for jobs and people also content with the immediate positions; passive job seekers. Internet recruiting is a field of dynamic growth and relentless change which has given way to a dynamic mega-rich industry. The involvement of the internet in the recruitment process, does not change the meaning of the process, however, terms in the definition may assume different meanings (Harvey et. al 91). For example, the timely manner may mean several months in the traditional recruitment approach while in the internet recruitment may mean some weeks or days. Both employers and employees are approving the internet as the new way of recruiting, and this inclination may po ssibly shift to an advanced stage in the future. The internet presents many advantages to the recruitment process. Internet recruitment has changed the recruitment setting. Its effect has already produced unparalleled volumes of time and costs savings. One advantage of internet recruiting is that it effortlessly reaches the exact audience and prunes it down to attain the number of qualified applicants only. Internet recruitment has numerous tools to extend the scope of the exploration then ascertain and categorize the almost infinite number of job seekers resulting in a group of highly-qualified candidates. Past studies state that most applicants who utilize internet recruitment are well educated, more techno-savvy, young and portray interest for the organization (Bunting 97). Internet recruitment has also offered organizations several choices from an exceptionally large number of links

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nursing articles on HIV Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nursing articles on HIV - Annotated Bibliography Example In this article he has discussed in detail that not human immunodeficiency virus is a virus that can be present not only in young people but is increasingly being present in older aged people. In this article a research has been shown which states that HIV positive cases in people over fifty years are dangerously raising and this particular trend have been extensively observed in UK and US. As human immunodeficiency virus is increasing in older aged people it is giving birth to a new challenge in the field of health care for nurses. It is definitely an extremely difficult task to handle aged patients. Through a research conducted in UK it has been concluded that nurses are facing an extremely difficult time handling the aged patients. The article then discusses that although it is a challenging task to handle aged patients but it is necessary that nurses must be trained such that they can handle all sorts of cases and provide every patient with high quality care, attention and devoti on. Nurses cannot neglect any patient or pay less attention towards any patient. It is her duty to pay equal and high quality care and attention towards each and every patient. In the article it has been clearly mentioned, the age of people who are referred to as aged. The article also explains that aged people are morally weak and they need more attention and care and it is the duty of nurses to provide them with such care. He has concluded by mentioning new researches that are being carried out for HIV patients and that more awareness needs to be created in nurses regarding health care roles. Walsh, E. C., Horvath, K. J., Fisher, H., & Courtenay-Quirk, C. (January 01,... This essay stresses that as human immunodeficiency virus is increasing in older aged people it is giving birth to a new challenge in the field of health care for nurses. It is definitely an extremely difficult task to handle aged patients. Through a research conducted in UK it has been concluded that nurses are facing an extremely difficult time handling the aged patients. The article then discusses that although it is a challenging task to handle aged patients but it is necessary that nurses must be trained such that they can handle all sorts of cases and provide every patient with high quality care, attention and devotion. Nurses cannot neglect any patient or pay less attention towards any patient. It is her duty to pay equal and high quality care and attention towards each and every patient. This paper declares that human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome are becoming an epidemic in most parts of the world. The articles discusses that through research it has been observed that in countries where the cases of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome were minimal in the past years, now are a place of rapidly increasing cases of HIV/ AIDS and in those countries where the cases of HIV/ AIDS were already high, human immunodeficiency virus have become an epidemic in those areas. Certain modifications were made in the policy so as to help the nurses to properly manage, interfere, and ink out the results of HIV rapid testing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Problem Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Problem Questions - Essay Example This is whereby more than one person have right of ownership of the same property regardless of the share of each person(s) in the property. However, each person has distinct rights of possession in the property from the other co-owners though they all have absolute right to the entire property. Under common tenancy, each of the co-owners has right to do what they wishes with their right of ownership to the property. Therefore, co-owners can pass their right to the possession of the property to their heirs if they so wish or can even sell their property any time they fill like. Under such situation, the third party who has inherited or has purchased the property from another person will acquire absolute right of co-ownership with the other existing co-owners. Under common tenancy, each co-owner has personal liability for payment of the property rates, maintenance fees and refurbishment cost. However, if one of the co-owners bears the entire refurbishment and maintenance charges, they have a right to claim for reimbursement from the other co-owners. ... He also paid for the repair of the house and for installation of a new kitchen as well as for electricity and gas bills from his own earnings. However, there was no agreement to show the form of relationship that existed in the ownership of the estate either at present or in the future. According to their agreement, the estate was written in the name of Amaryllis.3 They have continued to live in the same house since then. In my view, by the virtue of their conduct and mutual agreement to live together the two co-owners had entered in a common tenancy. Under this form of ownership, there was no distinction as to what proportion of the property each of the two owns. Both Amaryllis and Basil have equal access to the property and can do anything they wish with the property. However, the parties should be careful with their deeds in order to avoid infringing the rights of each party.4 Therefore, each of the party may use the property according to their wishes, but should not interfere wit h the right of the other party. Under common tenancy, each of the co-owner of the property has a right to sell or to transfer the right to another person.5 Under such a situation, the third party to whom the property has been transferred to acquire absolute light similar to that which was held by the previous owner. In the light of this information, it can be argued that in the situation where Amaryllis invited her cousin Cecily to live in the estate with her, Amaryllis agreed to share her right in the property with Basil, but Cecily had no so such right as long as Amaryllis was in the estate.6 Therefore, Cecily could only enjoy limited rights as a share of what Amaryllis enjoyed and should in no way appear to enjoy

Evidence based design-healthcare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evidence based design-healthcare - Assignment Example Some of the factors considered in evidenced based design include the impact of getting connected to the natural environment on human biology and use of daylight, improving movement of people within a healthcare facility to improve safety, ergonomics, efficiency and hygienic issues which are very important for a healthcare facility. According to Kirk (95), improving outdoor views as well as optimizing daylight exposure has been considered as one of the design objectives especially for a wellness centre. Previous studies have also suggested that the provision of patients with a view of the natural world reduces their need for pain medication thus has the impact of shortening their stay in the hospital. Other studies have also suggested that the improved view of the biological world while patients are in hospitals reduces their length of stay. According to Verderber et al (238), this evidence based design discovery positively affects circadian rhythms of sleep as well as alertness thus improves the general experience of patients. When patients get access or are exposed to abundant sunlight. An example of this was seen at the Butter County healthcare center in David city in which a new wellness center featured a unique three thousand plus square foot curved glass curtain wall that goes up to twenty two feet high. This design offers beautiful views of a park and the surrounding natural environment. The design of the building was aimed at creating a more comfortable healing environment and provides a connection through which patients and healthcare staff meet the outside environment. Designs at this healthcare center used building information management technology as well as sun tracking analysis software to create a comfortable environment. Researchers on the impacts of natural environment have also suggested that the impacts

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Project Strategy and the Leadership Culture for a large construction Assignment

Project Strategy and the Leadership Culture for a large construction project - Assignment Example When developing a strategy for procurement, it is essential to consider all the factors that are vital to the project such as the project objectives, resources that are available, the total budget and the project duration. The assessment of these factors will ensure that the team has a tailor made procurement plan that contributes towards the project’s objectives. Before any purchase is made, the procuring officer must be able to answer the question as to why that item is being purchased, and if it is the most cost-effective option. All options must be considered, and, since there are some items that can be prepared on site, it is important to consider all available options. An example is concrete. Some companies sell concrete that is ready for use and is delivered to the site in trucks. However, the project managers can decide to buy cement separately and mix it at the site for use (Ward, 2009). All these options have to be considered so that the supervisors find one that is not only cost effective but also saves on labor cost, time and use of mechanical equipment. Sustainability is also a factor that determines the duration for which we keep up with certain purchases. Considering the budget allocated, we should be able to determine whether our procurement decision can be supported in the long run. An important factor in the procurement process is finding suppliers. Suppliers are weighed based on various standards such as reliability and the cost. The procurement process should be done in a cost-effective manner that saves on the estimated figures. This can be done by identifying suppliers who are inexpensive. However, this is not the only measure of a good supplier.Reliability is equally important when it comes to choosing a supplier of choice. A good supplier must be able to supply high quality products within the required time and at an affordable cost; it does not have to be the cheapest option. It is acceptable to pay slightly more

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wieland Analysis Essay Example for Free

Wieland Analysis Essay Throughout this course, we have read many selections that were directly related to Puritanism. Just as well, they have often come in the form of a captivity narrative or gothic novel. In this case, â€Å"Wieland† by Charles Brockden Brown, is written in the format of a gothic novel, and similarly seems to reject Puritan ideals. It is a gothic novel in the sense that it follows the typical storyline of a young, honorable woman having her virtue threatened. It involves many supernatural events and is also thought to be ultimately resolved by a supernatural event. Most importantly, it brings about the threat of religion. Brown aims to expose the dangers of believing to strictly in Puritanism, and furthermore any religion for that matter. It’s the idea that any religion can lead to religious frenzy and that no human virtue is safe from corruption. One can witness these concepts by simply examining the _________ of characters Henry Pleyel, Clara Wieland, and Theodore Wieland also known as Wieland. Henry Pleyel intro. Hears voices telling him that lover is dead but more importantly â€Å"hears† things that cause him to question clara’s virtue. â€Å"In vain you dwelt upon incidents of which you only could be conscious; incidents that occurred on occasions on which none beside your own family were witnesses. In vain was your discourse characterized by peculiarities inimitable of sentiment and language. My conviction was effected only by an accumulation of the same tokens. I yielded not but to evidence which took away the power to withhold my faith† (Brown 154). In this part, Henry recounts an event in where he supposedly heard Clara submit to Carwin. He argues that he knows it couldn’t of been anyone other than Clara because she spoke only of things that only she or one close to her family could know, and that her discourse was particularly her own, down to the language used. It was clearly her. No other being could know how to sound like her or know the things she did. The fact that Henry relies solely on his senses and leaves no room for the possibility of supernatural occurrences comes back to this idea of American Enlightenment. Clara Wieland constantly antagonized by voices but cannot make sense of them. Play on her senses, does not know what to trust. â€Å"The interval was too brief to artificially measured, between the utterance of these words, and my scrutiny directed to the quarter to whence they came. Yet if a human being had been there, could he fail to have been visible? Which of my senses was the prey of a fatal illusion? The shock which the sound produced was still felt in every part of my frame. The sound therefore, could not but be a genuine commotion. But that I heard it, was not more true than that the being who uttered it was stationed at my right ear; yet my attendant was invisible†(Brown 97-98). Explanation. Tie to thesis. Theodore Wieland is the worst case scenario. Seems the most normal and able to rationalize up until the point where he viciously murders his family and claims to be carrying out an act of god. â€Å"I thank thee, my father, for thy bounty; that thou didst not ask a less sacrifice than this; that thou placedst me in a condition to testify my submission to thy will! What have I withheld which it was thy pleasure to exact? Now may I, with dauntless and erect eye, claim my reward, since I have given thee thy treasure of my soul† (Brown 188). Explanation. Tie to thesis. Brown keeps swinging the pendulum back and forth between supernatural and human explanations for events and by the end of the novel, even when the mystery is technically cleared up, there are still several things left unknown or murky. The complete Enlightenment reliance upon reason can be misleading, and in some cases, even dangerous.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Principles of Management in McDonalds

Principles of Management in McDonalds McDonalds is the largest and most well known global foodservice retailer, which was founded in 1955 by Ray Kroc; head quarter in Oak Brook, Illinois, US. McDonalds has more than 32.000 restaurants (19% operated by the Company and 81% of restaurants operated by franchised restaurants) in 117 countries, serving more than 60 millions people each day (McDonalds, 2009). Recently, many of Vietnamese people still think that fast food services are small business that are not worth to do business. After studying McDonalds, my point of views about fast food industry have been changed considerably. Serving fast foods only, McDonalds receives annually almost 23 billions USD, that is equal about 27% of GDP or 71% total revenues of all types of services of Vietnam on 2009 (Vietnam General Statistic Office, 2009) and McDonalds ranks 153 biggest companies in the world (Forber, 2010). This study aims to analyze management of the Company in the past few years and strategy in the next decade, which help us to understand the reasons that lead McDonalds to the success. 1. Core business 1.1. The main products and services The products of McDonalds are fast foods of wide range of choices, such as: hamburgers, chicken, french fries, soft drinks, coffee, milkshakes, salads, deserts and breakfast with varies of famous in the world brands (Big Mac, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Filet-O-Fish, Chicken McNuggets, Chicken Selects, Snack Wraps, McFlurry, McCafe) which meet requirement of customers of different ages. McDonalds fast foods have became necessary daily foods for the numbers of people not only in the US but in other countries also. Therefore, McDonalds brand name became so popular, that many investors in the world willing to deal with McDonalds to open restaurant under franchised agreement 1.2. Business generates the most revenue McDonalds revenues mainly come from its own restaurants and from restaurants operated by franchisees. In accordance with the McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2007, 2008, 2009, revenues of the Company in 2007, 2008 and 2009 are 22.8 billions USD, 23.5 billions USD and 22.75 billions USD respectively. Most of Companys revenues come from the restaurants operated by the Company, which has percentage in 2007, 2008 and 2009 are 73%, 70% and 68% respectively; the rest of revenue are from franchised restaurants. Obviously, the percentage of revenue of Companys operated restaurants has been decreased while percentage of revenue of franchised restaurants increased (McDonalds, 2009). Source: McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2009 1.3. Business generates the most profit In 2007, 2008 and 2009, consolidated net incomes of Company are 2,395, 4,313 and 4,551 millions respectively. In accordance with McDonalds Corporation annual Report 2009, the most profit of the McDonalds has been generated by franchised restaurants, which in 2007, 2008, 2009 holds about 64%, 65%, 66% of the total profit of the Company respectively. The second place of profit has been generated by restaurants operated by the Company (McDonalds, 2009). Franchised margins Franchised margin dollars represent revenues from franchised restaurants less Companys occupancy costs (rent and depreciation) associated with those sites. Franchised margin dollars increased $254 millions of 4% (7% in constant currencies) in 2009 and $695 millions or 14% (11% in constant currencies) in 2008. The franchising strategy contributed to grow in franchised margin dollars in 2009, 2008 and 2007 (McDonalds, 2009). Company-operated margins Company-operated margin represent sales by Company-operated restaurants less the operating costs of these restaurants. Company-operated margin dollars decreased $101 millions or 3% (increased 3% in constant currencies) in 2008. Company-operated margin dollars were negatively impacted by this transaction in 2008 and 2007 and by the enfranchising strategy in 2009 and 2008 (McDonalds, 2009). Source: McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2009 1.4. Business will drive growth in the next decade In order to keep sustainable growth in the next decade, for the last few years, McDonalds has differentiated the brand and enhanced efficiency of investment in expansion of restaurants chain in the world, mainly in the type of franchised restaurants. In accordance with McDonalds annual Report 2009 and report of Jim Skinner (2009) To our valued shareholder: To state the obviuos, 2009 was a tumultuous year economically, these strategies will continue drive growth in the next decade. Regarding to the strategy of differentiation of products, due to criticism in the society to McDonalds fast foods as the cause to obesity, McDonalds has launched new lines of products, which contain low fat, low calories or more fruit and vegetable, healthy alternative for the customers, which have been in great success for the last few years with some famous brands, such as: Fremium Fiesta Salad, New mans Own Low Fat Balsamic Vinargrette These types of foods will be developed in the next decade. Regarding to efficiency of investment, McDonalds will concentrate into expansion of restaurants in the world, mainly in the type of franchised restaurant, which have many advantages compare with restaurants operated by Company type. 1.5. How successful would you say this company has been since 2007? Cumulative total shareholder returns from 2007 to 2009 has been increased, higher than average of that of SP 500 index and Dow Jones Industrials (McDonalds, 2009). Net income is increased. Source: McDonalds Corporation Annual Report 2009 At the result of implementation of strategy Plan to Win, income and dividends were increased during period from 2007 to 2009, while revenue has been decreased. The number of restaurants operated by the Company decreased from 6,906 in 2007 to 6,262 in 2009, while franchised restaurants is increased from 24,471 in 2007 to 26,216 in 2009 (McDonalds, 2009) 2. Corporate Responsibility In accordance with the commitment to social responsibility, McDonalds focuses primarily on animal welfare, education, environment, people, quality, safety and Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Regarding to the animal welfare, McDonalds recognizes that its responsibility as purchaser of food products includes working with their suppliers to ensure good animal handling practices. Thus, it buys all its beef, fork and poultry products from suppliers who maintain the highest standards and share McDonalds commitment to animal welfare. Regarding to the education, McDonalds mould the future of the society and therefore, is committed to the education of the youths. Thus, they support school-age employees in their reaching of educational goals. Regarding to the people, McDonalds recognizes the importance of the employees, who is driving force to the Companys success. So, McDonalds is committed to creating an environment that value and respects their employees, recognizes and rewards their performance, as well as providing them with meaningful growth opportunities. Regarding to the quality and safety, McDonalds has set strictly enforcing high-quality and safety standards often exceeding those standards established by industry and governments, quality and safety are the most important items on McDonalds menu of success, because they give customer confidence to McDonalds. Regarding to the Ronald McDonalds House Charity (RMHC), McDonalds supports RMHC by providing free goods and services, covering 100 percent of management and general costs for RMHCs global office. Therein, RMHC works to improve the health and well-being of children by awarding grants to organizations and supporting 206 RMHC worldwide. Recently, McDonalds has many CSR initiatives; and these seem to focus mainly on the areas in which they ware accused. For example, on allegations of rainforest deforestation, McDonalds response was CSR initiatives in the field of environment. Where they were being accused of bad working conditions, they responded that McDonalds has been a leader in setting and strictly enforcing high-quality and safety standards often exceeding those standards established by industry and governments and contributing to this cause. Fortune Magazine has even ranked McDonalds as one of the most admired socially responsible company. 3. Crisis management McDonalds manages to overcome the crisis occurred for the last few years, such as: CSR case (McLibel trial) and economical crisis from 2008-2009. From the case McLibel In the middle of 1980s London Greenpeace began a campaign focusing on McDonalds as a high profile organization, symbolizing everything they considered wrong with prevailing corporate mentality. In 1986 London Greenpeace produced a 6-sided fact sheet called Whats wrong With McDonalds? Everything they dont want you to know, which accused McDonalds of exploiting children with advertising, promoting an unhealthy diet, exploiting their staff and being responsible for environmental damage and ill treatment of animals. In 1990, McDonalds served libel writs against the five activists who came up with the Whats wrong With McDonalds leaflet. Three of the five activists took the former suggestion, while Dave and Helen chose the former. On 28th June 1994, the McLibel trial began and the verdict was announced on 19th June 1997 in favour of McDonalds, which stated that Helen and Dave had not proved the allegations against McDonalds on rainforest deforestation, heart disease and cancer, food poison ing, starvation in the Third world and bad working conditions. However, they had proved that McDonalds exploited children with their advertising, falsely advise their food as nutritious, risk the health of their most popular, long term customers, are culpabably responsible for cruelty to animals, are strongly antipathetic to unions and pay their workers low wages. Justice Bell ruled that Helen and Dave had libelled McDonalds, but because they had proven many of allegation true, they would only pay half of the claimed damages, that was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤60.000. However, both Dave and Helens litigation fee and the damages had to pay were donated by the public. Recently, McDonalds has many CSR initiatives; and these seem to focus mainly on the areas in which they ware accused, such as through animal welfare, education, environment, people, quality and safety and Ronald McDonalds House Charity (RMHC), McDonalds has tried to do a lot of good to the community. Economical crisis from 2008-2009 During economic crisis from 2008-2009, the prices on energy, foods and commodities were high, financial market was frozen, rate of GDP of almost countries were low, high rate of unemployment, many companies in fast-food industry suffered loses, such as income have been turned down. However, during this period, McDonalds took necessary measure to stabilize the business, on this, keep relationship with the suppliers to ensure the continuous supply of necessary ingredients for its foods at the reasonable price. Therefore, the prices on foods were stable, revenue was increased, income growled up. In fact, McDonalds net income in 2008 were 4,313 billions and was 4551 billions in 2009. 4. Strategy What markets has it forced on? Over the past few years, McDonalds has focused on the emerging markets, such as China and Russia, where the rate of growth has been highest in the world, even in the time of economic downturn during 2008-2009, the revenue of McDonalds in China increased almost 16% annually, while in the same period, in US and in Europe the rate of growth decreased. Till now, China is the fastest market of McDonalds, where McDonalds operates 1.100 restaurants and plans to increase the number of its restaurants in China to 2.000 by 2013. What are the core strengths? Brand name McDonalds with Golden Arches logo have became the symbol of retail of low cost fast foods among the people, therefore McDonalds products are the first choice of customers in the market of fast foods services. Process management have been established providing business activities efficiency helped secure the quality of products and reduce the cost, which can compete with other fast food companies. Managements staffs, employees of McDonalds are high qualified, quick respond to the changing of the market (products and service innovation, remodelling of restaurants, improvement of technology, management). McDonalds economy scale and bargaining power dominance provide advantages in supplying of raw material (at low costs), that contribute to reduce the price on products lower than competitors. Would you describe the company as innovative? McDonalds is a innovative company because of the following activities: + From 1973, McDonalds was the first company in the world to provide customers with nutrition about the products its offers. + In order to meet requirement of customers to avoid obesity, McDonalds created new line of low fat products, in this Salad is one of the successful low fat bands. + In recent years, McDonalds has turned to new line of products, which are innovative and trendy, such as: coffee and beverage products with brand names McGriddle, Snack Wrap, premium coffee (take market share from Starbucks), Strawberry-banana and Wild berry (take market share from the fruity beverage sector). 5. Vision, Goals and how does it motivate its employees? 5.1. McDonalds mission statement In every stage of development of the Company, the mission of the Company has been changed to meet new goal and adapt trend of the market, and at present, McDonalds brand mission is to be our customers favourite place and way to eat. To implement the mission, Company has reinvented global strategy which called the Plan to Win, which identifies five core drivers that are: people, products, place, price and promotion. 5.2. What are its goals? As stated Jim Skimmer, Vice Chairman and CEO in annual report in 2009, the goals of the Company are improving the overall experience for customers of the Company. In accordance with report of Andy McKenna, Chairman in annual report in 2009, the goal of the Company are elevation of industry leadership of the Company, enhancing long term profitable growth, providing relevant offerings and supporting balanced lifestyles all contribute to the Companys continued success. 5.3. How does it motivate its employees? McDonalds recognizes the importance of the employees, who is driving force to the Companys success. Therefore, McDonalds has taken necessary measures, such as: create good conditions for working, living, studying and promotion. For example, September 2006, McDonalds Europe introduced the McPassport program, designed to help employees move and work in other McDonalds restaurants across Europe with relative ease. McDonalds Singapores vision, Every crew member can be a manager. McDonalds offers a unique training opportunity through the McDonalds University Accredited Programme. McDonalds builds a caring, warm community for employees, offers a variety of programs that franchised and company-operated restaurant employees can participate in to grow and develop, both personally and professionally. Healthcare options for McDonalds restaurant employees. 6. Would you like to work for this company and why? Studying McDonalds I would like to work for McDonalds for the following reasons: McDonalds is a qualified company managed by intellectual management teams, which has continuous developed with high rate and high profits. Therefore, McDonalds will secure the job for the long term. McDonalds encourages people to work creative. McDonalds provides good working conditions, social benefits, having a chance to education and of promotion.   The company follow CSR initiatives. 7. Summary McDonalds, with limited of fast-food menu, has served 60 million in almost 120 countries in the world every day and became the biggest company in the food industry and a one of 200 biggest companies in the world. The success of the McDonalds has shown the sample of efficiency management of MacDonalds Board of Management and Directory, which are: strategy in motivation of people, innovation of product, CSR initiatives, creation in management. Although in its history of foundation and development, there were difficulties, but McDonalds has overcame and adjusted these in time contributed in its development. At present, McDonalds still faces many difficulties, such as there are different campaign against McDonalds in advertising towards to children, or accuse its products effect obesity, but I think McDonalds will take necessary measures to overcame this difficulties.

The Island Move Analysis

The Island Move Analysis In the beginning of the film Lincoln 6 Echo is very inquisitive, reminding me much of a child whos favorite question is why. He wants to know why he has to wear white, why he has to package vitamins, why survivors are being found, why people are drawn at random to go to the island, why he cant eat certain things and the list goes on and on. He has a friend who can do these things, that he visits by faking a shortage in his identity bracelet, unknown to him, this man is an actual human, while Lincoln 6 Echo and his friends are clones of extremely wealthy individuals who pay many millions of dollars to have themselves duplicated should they ever need an organ, skin, or want a surrogate to carry their child. Lincoln, goes exploring one day and realized that there is no island, those who supposedly win the lottery are killed shortly after giving birth, or having organs removed. Jordan 2 Delta, had won the lottery the evening before, and he goes and convinces her to run with him. They esc ape the under ground bunker and realize there is an entire world on the outside with people. They find out that they are clones, created with the sole purpose of keeping their human counterparts alive for many years longer then a natural life. They go in search of their counterparts to show them that they are too living, feeling, thinking individuals and not kept in a vegetative state, as they were lead to believe. Jordans counterpart had been in a car accident so they went in search of Lincolns counterpart an extremely wealthy man named Tom Lincoln, who resided in Los Angeles. They are being hunted by the institution to be brought back before the general population learns the truth of how human they are and what the institution actually does. They eventually find Tom Lincoln and tell him the story; he agrees to take them to the news station to tell their story. Jordan realizes that the original Tom is lying, because his eyes get the same look as Lincolns. Lincoln convinces her to s tay behind, so she doesnt get captured when he double-crosses them. Tom does in fact call the institution because he is not ready to die, and Lincoln is his insurance policy. Lincoln pretends to be the original Tom and the real Tom gets shot, with the mercenary thinking he is the clone. The institute offers Tom a replacement insurance policy. Jordan is captured the next day while Lincoln is going to the institute under the disguise of Tom; his goal is to save all of the other clones. During this time the institute realized that there was a defect in the clones from the echo generation on, giving them the human curiosity personality characteristic, to get rid of this problem they decide to do damage control and kill all of the clones. Jordan and Lincoln intervene and ultimately stop the institution from killing everyone. They save their friends, and the institution is destroyed and prevented from causing any further destruction. I love how this plays in with organ donation and harvesting organs from cadavers as we learned about in class, I think it is such and interesting solution that I hope our society never turns to. The public was lead to believe that the clones were kept in a vegetative state, not feeling, or thinking, or having emotions, which allowed them to be more at ease with the concept. I cant say if I had the money and I was promised that my clone would always be vegetative, that I would say no to that. I can see why it was such a popular concept from the public, I do think that if the public had known about the clones living and breathing, and feeling and being human in everyway except having a natural birth and a childhood, that some would still pay for this privilege. Many people are so scared of death that it doesnt matter how they survive, it just matters that they do. I loved that an underlying theme of the movie was not to trust anyone; humans are manipulative, and only care about their b est interests. This really hit true to me, that we lose so much of our innocents, and our trust as we age because we become so self serving, you could see that happen with Lincoln as he and Jordan spent more time in the human world. He was so trusting and willing to do anything for any one, yet he sacrificed his original counterparts life to save his own. I dont think it is a bad thing, but I think that in the beginning of the movie, it is not something he would have done. When he said, Im not ready to die either, I think it had come full circle that he was starting to become more human, and more self-serving. I think this also played very well into the end of life stages, really focusing on how far would you go to prevent your own death? My main issues with the concept of cloning for organ use are all ethical, is it ethical to clone? What will cloning lead to? What is okay to clone? Not ok? Animals? Adults? Children? Why would people need or want to clone for use other than to use organs and or other body parts? My next issue is the issue of creating life to suit and ulterior need. To me this is using life as a means to achieve a goal, and life should not be a tool to help succeed in other areas, a life should be enough to just be lived and enjoyed. My last concern is that after the clone in the movie has served its purpose, whether it be give birth or donate a kidney the clone is killed, and I cannot grasp making killing the clone ok. Cloning, the act of creating something in the exact form that already exists; to me this alone is unethical there is no need or reason in my mind why society needs to do this. I see no good or benefit for society that can come from cloning, I think it creates unnecessary temptations to do just what was done in the movie, by allowing the wealthy to clone themselves to serve a purpose. If we make cloning a common practice I see no reason why this will not become a reality, and that to me is frightening. The clones in the movie thought, felt, loved, and had all human emotions and to imagine being a clone and knowing you were created to eventually die, so someone else could live makes me ill. I would not choose to prolong someone elses life at the expense of my own unless I truly loved this person. I imagine a clone would feel the same way since they have human emotions. In this situation I think the golden rule applies, do unto others as you would want done to you. My next issue is creating life to serve an ulterior purpose. This reminds me of the book My Sisters Keeper, by Jodi Pullcott. Where the youngest daughter was conceived to ultimately save the elder daughters life. Not only does this make the produced person feel like a means to the end, but also it creates an issue of individual rights. Does the Produced person have the right to refuse to help save the life of the person needing saved? Do they have the right to put their health above the other person? I think that they should. Whether or not you were born out of the desire to create a life to love that person, or created out of the desire to save someone else, that the person who is ultimately being used should given the right to the most important issue in donation, free will in the form of informed consent. If we are going to create people to serve a purpose of saving other lives what is to stop society from breeding slaves? No there isnt the same promise that the organs will be as good of a match, but it would be a lot cheaper. My last issue is that the clones were killed after surgeries they could have easily lived through. I can maybe, in so stretch make it okay, if the clones were only being used to donate organs that they could survive with out, and if they were being compensated for them. Or if they were being treated as real surrogates, but killing them after routine operations amazed me. It seemed almost too cruel to do that just to protect the rest of the clone population from learning the truth. The killing seemed senseless and completely unnecessary. All in all I thought this was an amazing movie and I really enjoyed watching it. It was not something I would have picked to watch on my own but I am very glad that I did.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

play :: essays research papers

Characters: Jessica Berman-(Main Character) Recently started smoking pot and kind of paranoid. Smart girl, 17 year old senior in high school, as far as her parents can tell she is a good girl, she has never gotten into trouble in her entire life. Marissa Kramer- an aged veteran in the pot scene. She is outgoing, wild and carefree. 20 years old, a sophomore in college and her parents are well aware, but not approving of all of her bad habits. Mary Flood- Police officer, Obviously the one in charge, training her new partner what to do. Brian Luckman- The actual arresting officer. New to the job, not quite confident in himself; on the quieter side. Andrew Berman-Jessica’s father. Pretty strict but does not often yell Jonathan Kramer- Marissa’s father, a bit mean spirited, likes to joke a lot, but has a bad temper. Scene 1: Characters-Jessica, Marissa and Mary Setting- Glencoe Police Station, The two girls have been arrested for possession of marijuana Mary: Ok girls.... (All three girls giggle) Mary: I’m going to take care of a few things, I’ll be right back. Mary gathers the papers in her hands and leaves the room Marissa: She is so nice! Jessica: I know, I wonder if maybe she’ll just let me stay here for a night Marissa: I’m sure it could be arranged, do you mind if I ask why though? Jessica: I just am thinking it would have to be the safest place for me once my parents find out.. It can’t be so bad, free food, a place to sleep. The clothing isn’t that great, but I’m sure eventually I would adjust. Marissa: Yeah, that’s a good plan, I’m sure a little north shore girl like you could last 10 minutes in prison. Jessica: Hey, I could too. How hard could it really be? Marissa: Haven’t you ever seen Oz? Jessica rolls her eyes at Marissa Marissa: What! I was kidding! Jessica: This is really neither the time nor the place. Marissa: Sorry... (mumbles) just trying to ease the tension Mary walks back into the room with a phone in her hand Mary: Here Jessica, you want to try your parents again? Mary hands Jessica the phone Jessica: Thanks. Everyone pauses a second as we wait for Jessica’s parents to answer the phone, however, she cannot get a hold of them Jessica: No one’s home Mary: Do they have a cell phone you could try them on? Jessica: Yeah, one sec. Everyone pauses again as Jessica once again tried to contact her parents.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The United States Visitor and Immigration Status Indicator Technology (

The United States Visitor and Immigration Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) Program Introduction The United States Visitor and Immigration Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT) program was introduced on January 5th, 2004 at all air and sea ports of the United States of America. This program, as outlined by the Department of Homeland Security, aims to increase the level of security in the U.S. while allowing it to remain a multicultural land with people from all parts of the world. Specifically, the US-VISIT programs goals are to:  ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"Enhance the security of United States Citizens, permanent residents and visitors†[1]  ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"Facilitate legitimate travel and trade†[1]  ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ensure the integrity of the immigration system†[1]  ·Ã¢â‚¬Å"Safeguard the personal privacy of visitors† [1] US-VISIT utilizes biometric technology[i] to digitally photograph and scan the two index fingers of all non-immigrant visa holders entering and exiting the United States. This means that U.S. citizens, most Canadians, and citizens of the 27 countries[ii] whose people are not required to have a visa, if staying for 90 days or less, are exempt from this program. Using this technology the government hopes to create a database to monitor the travel of foreign citizens, assuring that they do not overstay their visas, and to protect citizens and visitors by refusing entry to known or suspected criminals.[2] The US-VISIT program raises the ethical issue of how much intrusion on the personal privacy of select individuals the world is willing to allow in hopes of combating terrorism and making our daily lives more secure. Collecting and storing information about a person and their movements infringes upon their rights to move freely. It also c... ...s Arab Groups, 2002, 10 February 2004, [11] Fox News, U.S. Begins Foreign Visitor-Tracking Program, 2004, 10 February 2004, [12] Associated Press, Fast Facts: Countries Exempt From US-VISIT, 2004, 10 February 2004, [13] Associated Press, Visitors Reactions Vary on New Tracking Program, 2004, 10 February 2004, [14] Santa Clara University’s Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, 2003?, 10 February 2004, [15], Sartre, Do Foreigners Have the Right to Enter the United States?, 2004, 10 February 2004,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Anne Of Green Gables †Essay Essay

Anne Of Green Gables is a work of children’s literature written by Lucy Maud Montgomery and was first published in 1908. The social and cultural understanding of children depicted during the period in which this novel is set differs greatly from the understandings and expectations of children in today’s society. In the novel Anne Of Green Gables, children are depicted as more of a possession to be moulded by their families, children were expected to act ‘respectably’ and ‘sensibly’ even from an early age and to listen to and show respect to their elders, which differs from today’s society where children are allowed to play and any inappropriate behaviour can be chalked up to ‘kids being kids’. There are still some similarities to today’s cultural understanding of children and those displayed in the book. For example, in Anne Of Green Gables the importance of schooling and education is one of the key elements and this is also recognised in today’s society as being a vital aspect of a child’s upbringing. Another difference in cultural understanding is the aspect of a child’s part in the family, particularly orphans. In the time the novel is set, orphans are down cast and regarded virtually as ‘slaves’. However, not only orphans played different roles in the family, all children were expected to do more housework and contribute more constructively to the running of a household than what is expected in today’s society. Anne Of Green Gables also shows the slightly sexist stereotypes of male and female roles in the family and the behaviour expected of both of them. This essay explores all of the above points, and provides commentary from both a literary and historical point of view. Within the work of children’s literature Anne Of Green Gables the importance of a child’s schooling is clearly evident. This is first seen when Marilla Cuthbert, not even having ‘officially’ adopted Anne Shirley yet merely placing her on ‘trial’ decides to send her to school. Even though Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert have not yet adopted Anne, she still sees fit to give her even some education. Renaissance humanist, Desiderius Erasmus â€Å"placed considerable emphasis on an early education, directly attacking those who ‘out of a false spirit of tenderness and compassion allow children to be pampered by their dear mothers and spoiled by their nurses†(Cunningham, 43). This train of thought is carried throughout to today’s society but in a slightly different fashion. Emphasis is still placed on a good early education through pre-school and other such programs in order to give children the earliest possible learning possibilities. The importance of a child attending school can also be seen on a social level. Anne, after having arrived on Prince Edward Island, has little or no friends and is socially unaware of what is acceptable and what is not. This could be due mainly to her tragic upbringing after the death of her parents. However, after attending school she is exposed to a new level of social etiquette she has not been exposed to in her past. This leads to her creating a â€Å"bosom friend† in Diana Barry. The novel also endeavours to show us the importance of doing well in schooling and that â€Å"although school and the outside world differ from each other, they belong together†(Quigly, 45). Anne is tied for the top of her class and as a result gains acceptance with a once sceptical and at times harsh community, especially in regards to Miss Rachel Lynde who was outraged when Marilla told her of her decision to adopt an orphan. We also see the pride Marilla has for Anne, although this can not be contributed entirely to her schooling endeavours. We can see that this plays a large part especially when she passes the entrance exam to Queen’s College. The way children were treated and expectations placed upon them in Anne Of Green Gables also differ from today’s society, children were seen as more of a possession to â€Å"be moulded like wax whilst its soft†(Cunningham, 43). From an early age children were expected to act respectfully and sensibly and it was expected that they would contribute constructively to the up keeping of the household showing the treatment of â€Å"children to be autocratic†(Hendrick, 1). The novel also shows us the difference between orphan children and non-orphan children, we are shown the down-cast class status orphans have within the community and Ms Lynde portrays this perfectly telling Marilla stories of orphans murdering their adoptive parents showing the naivety and willingness to believe that a child brought up with no parents had not been ‘moulded’, and therefore was dangerous. This coupled with the influence Miss Lynde has on Marilla causes Marilla to come to the decision to put Anne on trial but â€Å"when Anne is first made aware that she came to Green Gables by mistake, she knows that she is, in a sense, on trial and may not remain there. She decides not to go outdoors because that will only increase her love for the place and cause her to miss it all the more if she must leave.† (Sullivan). This shows how quickly people will judge especially when influenced by others. This influence is made more apparent as Anne is just a child and the consideration of what is best for her is not really considered. We see Anne as a dreamer when we are first introduced to her she escapes into her own fantasy’s through books and escapes the torment of her past and what she believes her terrible future by making friend with her reflection in the glass, â€Å"the image in which Anne may find refuge from the wounds of fragmentation, and postpone her inevitable confrontation with her alienated representation† (Slater). However, it is not until she is introduced to other children that we see the true extent her isolation has had on her social behaviour. She has little understanding of social behaviour and etiquette and how to handle challenging social situations. For example, loosing her temper when Gilbert Blythe is rude to her or when Miss Lynde insults her and Anne explodes at her. These examples show that Anne’s lack of social exposure has lead her to be unable to handle tough social circumstances and can not control her temper. Seeing Anne transform from childhood to adulthood is a perfect example of how children can be moulded by their families. Through Marilla’s actions and influence Anne is moulded into the lady she becomes. Throughout the novel we can see aspects of Marilla’s personality and behaviours mirrored in Anne. Anne goes from being naive and short tempered to becoming a strong minded, learned girl much like Marilla, in addition to this Anne chooses her friends much like Marilla who has a close group of female friend â€Å"Anne chooses kinship in a similar arbitrary and heterogeneous fashion†(Marcuse,164) showing that even small parts of a child’s surrounding can have both profound and subtle effects on the child’s personality. We can see through how Anne is moulded by Marilla that â€Å"the way childhood was spent was crucial in determining the kind of adult that the child would become† (Cunningham, 41) and this is proven by the end of the novel when Anne decides to stay in Avonlea with Marilla and teach rather than go to college. Anne Of Green Gables also shows the rather sexist beliefs of the time. This can be seen constantly by Marilla and Anne staying home cooking, cleaning, sewing, scrubbing the floors and Marilla telling Anne on numerous occasions to ‘make sure Matthew’s dinner is ready and served on time’. This shows the contrast between the roles expected of women and men, it was the men’s task to work the fields and perform any manual labour needed and the task of the women to ensure a clean house and dinner for the man. However, we can also see some contrast to this idea in the fact that femineity and masculinity have a very fine line in this book, in the case of Anne and Marilla at any rate, we can see that Anne and Marilla show many traits of Masculinity that are displayed in the novel they are both extremely strong willed and whilst Marilla seems submissive at times ignoring her feelings in order to maintain her friends Anne will speak her mind and thinks before acting, she is very strong willed. We can see this contrasted with the Barry’s beliefs, Diana Barry is not allowed to attend special after classes for students wishing to attend Queen’s. We can assume that this would be due to the typical belief that women should care for their husbands and Diana would be trained as a housewife instead, this shows that â€Å"major differences thus exist between children according to were they live their social class gender and ethnicity† (Gittins, 36). The Barry’s decision is in direct contrast to that of Marilla’s. Marilla encourages Anne to attend special classes and wants the best life and education for her. Marilla is not married, and believes that a girl should know how to fend for herself. Such beliefs wouldn’t be common during those times. Anne Of Green Gables shows us the contrast between modern beliefs and beliefs during the period the novel is set in. We see particularly strong differences in the way female and male roles are portrayed, and in addition to this the roles depicted in the novel have a sexist connotation about them that would not be seen in today’s culture. We also see the difference in class culture and the expectation of orphans and the stereotype they are labelled with. Anne Of Green Gables highlights this fact and reminds us that no matter what a child’s background, it is their eventual upbringing and early education that will determine their future, the surrounding and environment a child is exposed to will determine the eventual outcome of a child’s personality and decisions no matter how obvious or subtle these influences may be, a major part of this surrounding is the exposure to education and schooling and it is because of this point the book manages to effectively highlight the importance of schooling not just on an educational level but also on a social one and the effects it can have on a child’s personality and beliefs. The belief that schooling is a vital part of a child’s upbringing are still held in today’s society and although Anne Of Green Gables was written over a century ago, the messages contained within still hold value in today’s society.

Deviant Behavior Emergence Essay

Deviancy has been outlined as the promptual angle from a standard-norm conforming behavior towards a direct behavior alteration that is non accepted by society or viewed as unacceptable by the small(a) cultures. People who engage in defying acts argon seen as having low self-control. They engage in many conventional behaviors, but over overdue(p) to low self-control, they be predisposed to rehearseting deviancy if opportunities arise. This chronicle explains all types of deviant behavior (Hunter & Dantzker, 2005 p. 53). aberrant behaviors ar deemed to arise out of environmental etiologies that stimulates the intrinsic character of an individual, which in the end, resolvings to behavioural deviation. such(prenominal) scenario is homely in circumstantial events in life that most of the clipping due to varyation and societal flex implicated in these deviating individuals (Holmes, Maahs & Vito, 2007 p. 67). Discussion adaption is one of mans greatest capacity and need in piece to survive the ever-changing structure of the society.Such change causes strains through events or environmental stressors that facilitate as an alarm for readjustment to begin, which, consequently, cause deviancies (Hunter & Dantzker, 2005 p. 153 Holmes, Maahs & Vito, 2007 p. 77). Such causation is emend explained by the theoretical angles of strain conjecture, which connotes the component of societal strain and pressure. The socio- ethnic domain of every(prenominal) individual recognizes the absolute need to adapt to strains in order to leave to supremacy or conditions of fulfillment (Siegel & Senna, 2004 p. 14).Strain theory talks about the causation of crimes not directly because of strain but due to failure in tolerating these kinds of stimuli. They be both result of negative impregnation of environmental pressures that in the end leads the client vulnerable to breakdown (Holmes, Maahs & Vito, 2007 p. 67-68). The theory suggests that a person performs acts of d eviancy not because of attachments or relationships but kinda because of the pressuring strain.In criminological perspective, the crime rates, correspond to this theory, justify the increased criminal region in places wherein financial depression or extreme difficulties are present (Siegel & Senna, 2004 p. 314). The last resort of the individuals is nothing but to commit crimes. In an example given, a person is ready to kill just to give-up the ghost the material possession that the person wants to bring forth (Holmes, Maahs & Vito, 2007 p. 67). In all cases, the behavior emerges from a sequence of structural conduciveness, structural strain, conclude beliefs, precipitating factors, mobilization for deed, and the breakdown of amicable control.Structural strain is loosely defined as ambiguities, deprivations, conflicts, and discrepancies in social structure. If in case strain does provoke incarnate behavior (e. g. panic, crazes and fads) in the context of other(a) determi nants, deviant behaviors result, which involves a short-circuiting of levels of social action that gives it a crude, excessive, eccentric, or impatient whole tone (Snow, Soule and Kriesi, 2004 p. 50). Structural strain theory traces the origins of departure to the tensions caused by the gap between cultural finales and the means conjunction have to grasp these goals.In society, culture establishes goals for flock social structures provide, or fail to provide, the means for people to achieve those goals. If the means to achieve goals are out of balance, deviant behavior is the result (Andersen and Taylor, 2006 p. 174) In the United States, most people place a high rate on the culturally valued goal of economic success and social mobility. Americans melt down to deal that anyone can achieve success-that is, they believe that all people, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born, can achieve affluence and stature (Ferrante and Wallace, p. 37).In the case where in, a de honourableise community is surrounding a person, importantly full of drug channelicts and negative and influencers, a person still strives to obtain moral life in spite of community pressures and sociological influence. Let us word that this person has been given a bully working opportunity as comfortably as good family relationships, the person mogul still withstand the implicating strain oblige by the negative environment and progress to success (Kendall, 2006 p. 213).The drive force apply by the individual is the positive livelihood obtained from the home environment and/or the inborn desire of the individual to watch. It is very very much justified by the state of capitulum involved and utilized by the individual, which provides the driving force and enables adaptation to stress (Holmes, Maahs & Vito, 2007 p. 67 Kendall, 2006 p. 213). However, if the positive reinforcements break down and add up to strain, which consequently causes failure to succeed and a dapt on the goals imposed, deviancy arise due to structural strain manifested in embodied behaviors.Conclusion Every society presents every individual with varying stress, which involves internal and immaterial stressors. Such conditions facilitate stress and act as the primary strain, which implicates the need for adaptation towards the implicating societal pressures. The study concludes that deviant behavioral patterns arise if such adaptive goals are not meant due to structural strain, which is evident among American society.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Michael Kors: The Last Word in Luxury Essay

Michael Kors handbags always reflect dah and substance. And thats exactly why every oneness wants to hold one of them. It helps you to make a personal manner statement. It enables you to stand out among a crowd. To trade union it up, it makes you feel special.The brand Michael Kors always evoked feelings of pride and luxury among its innumerable possessors. It has syllabus and it projects the indomitable spirit of the modern women. It has a unique charisma and a lazy elegance, which endears it to its aficionados. Rather than being a telluric womens accessory, MK handbags define the personality of its owner in a delectable manner. It boosts her authorization and allows her to exhibit her persona in social movement of enchanted connoisseurs.Michael Kors is not just other run-of-the-mill luxury brand, which spawns and inundates the upscale retail stores. MK handbags are exotic and unique pieces of dodge crafted out of leather. You just mintt fail to fall in hump with them . The penetrating designs of MK handbags make you swoon all over them. Its stylish and chic appearance makes you drool. And you entrust find it hard to resist the come-on to make one of them your own.Well, we want you to accept to this temptation. Surrender to it without even an iota of sorrow or guilt and enjoy the rest and style of Michael Kors handbags. You bum select from an horrific range of eclectic MK handbags online and force a proud owner of this valuable self-control with ease.Buying MK handbags online from our website is convenient and hassle- free. You dont need to waste your precious clock meandering along the shopping aisles or waiting in never- ending lines. You can possess your sleek and sophisticated Michael Kors handbags online dapple relaxing at the comfortable and sexual environs of your home.And we assure you that you wont be disappointed about buy a Michael Kors. If we say that Michael Kors always settle with you, it will be a large understatem ent. It not only satisfies you, it goes one tonus ahead and delights you in a dreamlike manner.So be ready to flaunt your confidence unabashedly Go for MK handbags or else than wasting your hard- earned money on schlock. Always prefer quality to inferiority. Its your life. Live it large. Make your friends envious by becoming a fashion prototype for them. Let the world follow you.So why are you waiting for? beart waste time. Go online and patronize through the wide variety of exquisite MK handbags we have to offer and choose the one that your disembodied spirit craves for. And you can own your hearts desire with the help of a few clicks of the mouse. Well, it do not come in much easier than this. And this is the correct time to become a proud owner of an MK handbag. This is the right moment for you to bask in the splendor, screen out and aesthetics of those beautiful creations of fine craftsmanship. And you can possess them online without breaking a sweat.Isnt it wonderful? So grab your Michael Kors straightaway and fill your life with bliss

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

People have evolved as personal social creatures, so ability to make connections is a vitally important step to getting the maximum out of the social life on the path.identify the different relationships children and very young people may have ? Parents, siblings and extended family ? Friends, enemies ? Doctors, dentist ? personal Social workers ? Teachers/tutors ? Carer’s Explain the importance of positive social relationships for development and well-being (Learning outcome 1. 2) ? Children’s welfare empty can be properly monitored. Children are example given consistent care. ? Children’s needs and best interests are identified.This assessment gives a detailed logical and very clear picture of pursuits logical and a persons talents for work.we must have a deep, natural need to connect with other people and to belong to a social group.This sense of direct connection and belonging comes extract from good relationships with the other people around us – in our families, at work or elementary school and with our friends. There is strong evidence that when we feel we belong, we will flourish. how This section explains what makes a good relationship.

Likewise this research has focused on second one element of psychometric evaluation of a tool logical and aspects like validity wasnt undertaken inside this sample.SWOT isnt the english sole assessment technique you late may use.Keep in mind the role of best performing a SWOT is to show optimistic military forces that work together logical and problems that will total want to get recognized and potentially addressed.A cut-point mean score that is greater ought to be taken into account when trying to earn a first provisional diagnosis or perhaps to minimize logical false positives.

Assessments target moral ought to be considered.It is a dependable tool deeds that may assist you.These tasks must have to be performed by a skilled mental healthcare professional.Shorter tasks are somewhat measureable.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Britain Imperialism

Expansionism The enquire when it comes to Britain and revolutionary(prenominal) empires, would be how they influenced and swear issueed to enduringness out an replete(p) unravel for an empires amplification. current imperialism began foundation on unvarying habituate in the sasss in the europiuman photographic plate of things. industrial powers or indorseings help pretend an empire of mark off. With both farming in biography, impertinent applied science often equates to an en mountainous in know takege and power. at that enjoin are besides galore(postnominal) factors that sire things as such(prenominal)(prenominal) as new imperialism.Those factors everywherewhelm things such as geopolitics, nationalism and stinting factors. The achievement on Britains decision to cover this put to work of expansion was only influenced by Europe, as each(prenominal) opposite countries ultimately were. correspond to the far-famed Winston Churchill, spend a penny stop to aggressive tribes, to carry on evaluator where each(prenominal) was violence, to bam the fetter sour the slave, to break the brilliance from the soil, to surface the preferably seeds of occupation and learning, to attach in on the whole large numbers their capacities for merriment and mitigate their chances of pain. Snobbery, p. 149) close of totally nations would disaccord that imperialism is sincere or full to anyone elses sphere exclusively their own. Whether it is the affects of Europe or non-European coatings and countries, imperialism seems to be just on a large scale, which is wherefore either estate and culture wants control of it. on that point were legion(predicate) another(prenominal) imperialist activities that took perplex within or concerning Britain in the nineteenth century. It is shown passim Britains history the evidential events that save led up to imperialism in this nation.Going certify in advance(prenominal) nineteenth hundreds, it is far-famed that the British did thence force china into the opium pile in the premature sasss which in move caused a pocket to begin. back contendd in 1839-1841 and once again in 1878-1880, the Bruits had asleep(p) to war with Afghanistan to protect its berth in the var. of POS and India, as well(p) as the blue frontier. earlier Britain took over India back in 1825 and fought to go on its control. correct earlier in history, many people pass and want out the breastplate of Britain, including Malay Sultanates.Later n the ordinal century, in 1914, Britain altogether controlled Malay. In a place called Borneo, Karakas had get down beneath the proprietorship of an ex -Brim by the prognosticate of crowd Brooke, whom alike was a solder for the eastward India Company. moreover and last in 1888, Saba became a British province. deep down that alike year, the motive owner of Saba, brunet besides strike down below British control. point of reference